Our Warm Haven has now come to an end.

Over January, February and March 2024, we ran a Warm Haven at our community centre in Manor Park.

The Warm Haven was a chance for people to get out of the cold, have a conversation and get the support they might need.

It was completely free, open to everyone and a chance for the community to come along and:

  • Enjoy hot drinks, cakes and biscuits
  • Charge their devices
  • Play board games
  • Chat and socialise

It has been great to get to know everyone who has attended, shared a hot drink, and chatted with us.

Check out this video below for a sample of what we got up to:

Although our Warm Haven has come to an end, we are looking forward to delivering more Warm Haven sessions in the winter months.

We want to say a massive thank you to LBN for their grant, which covered the costs of the sessions we ran from January to March 2024.